Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Control Can Be Irresistible Pleasure

Hello again :) I'm feeling really good and wanted to share a little something that others may find interesting.

I recently listened to a file i received from Isis called 'idoasiamtold', I can't get much into content, because i don't really remember all of it, but i do know how i feel after i listen to it.

When i awake from the file i have strong a strong urge to perform a task, this is a pleasurable task it has to be said :) but it is a command as such from My Goddess, it feels that way to me.

I had listened a few times and completed what was required at the end, and i decided to listen the next day and not to do the task.

I listened and the file ended , i awoke, i remember saying to myself, "I am not going any further" i really wanted to see if  I could resist a suggestion ( i think i mentioned before i am very suggestible ) from Isis.
I went to stand up and a flush came over me, i couldn't move the way i wanted to, everything was a tremendous effort, i could hear Isis' voice in my head repeating "Obey me" "Your are Mine" I tried to move out the room, but i couldn't, my body was not doing as i wished, and the more i tried to resist the urge the more aroused i became.
The compulsion was linked to pleasure, if i didn't complete the task, the pleasure increased, I know what your thinking , thats not going to stop someone from resisting, but your wrong. The feelings of arousal increased every second it seemed and the voice of Isis was still in my head.

After about 2 mins i caved in i couldn't take the pleasure increasing that way, i wish i could explain the feelings i was having, best i can describe is like having an orgasm that keeps building and wont subside, it sounds wonderful, but after a few mins that intense arousing feeling becomes to much to resist, to fight against, its impossible not to give in and comply.

I spoke to Isis about this, she explained that a suggestion to do something i really want to do and at times when i have no real reason not to comply is very strong, if something that needed my attention had cropped up i would have stopped and sorted that first.

All  suggestions from Isis work this way,  My well being comes first and foremost, it over rides any suggestions at any times, but only if there is a genuine need.
I was resisting when a real reason was not evident, and try as much as i could, i really had no chance to stop myself from completing the task. I had to comply with every command Isis gave me.

I had another example of this just yesterday, I am on holiday this week and Isis is spending much more time with me working on things, we spoke yesterday at least twice, and i think although i cant be sure maybe 4 times ! at some point i found myself lying on my bed listening to a music CD , i went to move and i couldn't budge at all, my arms and legs seemed to be tied down, glued down in fact, the more i tried to move the more aroused i became and the more aroused the more i thought about Isis, i was wide awake i might add, i knew this must be a suggestion from Isis, but try as I did several times to move I could not at all budge ( i did try a lot as the pleasure increased each attempt :)  )  after about 15 mins i could move again and the feeling of intense pleasure waned. This was mid afternoon 4:00pm ish.

I wasn't sure when Isis was contacting me again, so i sent her a message telling her what had happened and thanked her.

I was reading a golf magazine the next time i was struck, i say struck because my arms dropped as did the book and i couldn't move again, completely tied down, like ropes held me fast in place,  i could speak and move my head that was about all i could do.

After about 5 mins the front doorbell rang, i immediately moved, jumped up in fact, the feelings disappeared completely (it was a neighbor returning my Jack Russell that had escaped again out the back who rung the door bell ).

You see the suggestion that was so strong when i could comply  was broken as soon as my personal needs came into ascendance, the suggestion was then dissipated.

This is hard to get my head around i must admit, but it happens, I haven't tried to resist very often, mainly because it would be stupid to resist the pleasure Isis brings to me.

But it does lead me to a question, all the suggestions of Isis have this built in safety net for ones "well being", i am pretty sure that if that safety net wasn't in place i would not be able to resist  if  Isis didn't wish it, and that leads me to the conclusion that other Hypnodommes suggestions would be equally impossible to resist if implanted deeply enough, and I have had first hand experience of this !

You need Total Trust of your hypnotist for these suggestions to work, and trust can be a dangerous thing to give fully, one needs to be sure that "given trust" will not be given in error.
Once that link is formed and full trust is achieved, then the trancer really is totally in the hands of their Hypnotist/Hypnodomme.

I think I will leave the trust issue for another day and another post.

Thank You for Reading :) and Thank You Isis for Enlightening my life in so many different ways :)

The right path is sometimes easy to slip off

Its funny how easy it is to stray, a path can look straight, easy to follow, and yet we stray, we try the branch to the left or the branch off right, we know its bad idea, we know its gonna be the wrong decision , but heck, we do it anyway.

Its certainly in my nature to explore thats for sure.

I had got to a safe place, safe for me anyway, i'm very suggestable as you know, and safe for me means sticking to the path, its not that the other paths are really bad, its just best to stick with one message, one guide, one mentor.

Once again left with time and space to wander i did, i found myself pulled in different directions, and new suggestions deeply rooted in my mind conflicted with my chosen path, it was making me feel rotten, yes rotten is an accurate way of describing how i felt, i felt i had let down My Goddess, and I was wasting the time of others while i took one step this way then one that way.

All these paths are good for someone , just not me i guess, everytime i experiment i get into trouble, not anyones fault but my own, i only have myself to blame.

After all this Isis yet again made me see some sense, I needed to get grounded, focused, and most of all looking after myself again.

Isis is my Goddess, She is also my friend, i'm lucky to have her as my guide, and i,m lucky she is so understanding too :)

Thanks to Isis i am back on track, balanced and feeling happy again, i'm optimistic that there is no end to how good things can be,  Isis always reminds me to look after myself first and foremost.

In time i will hopefully get better doing it for myself with Isis as my guide. Isis would never want me to be dependent on her for my well being,  She is my light in darkness , it is up to Me to be the best i can be.

It took me wandering off for a few weeks to realise this, they say Onwards and Upwards and thats how i really feel when I let Isis guide me, using her insight, her skill as a Hypnotist and warm heart to light the way of the path i have chosen to tread.

Thank You yet again Isis for everything You do for me :)